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The goal of the monthly project status meeting is to avoid that the project gets scattered over time or moves in the wrong direction. The check serves to ensure constant quality over the entire duration of the project. 


Status meetings are regularly scheduled meetings to exchange project information. For most projects, status meetings are held at varying frequencies and levels. It is recommended that the project team may meet weekly with themselves for a Project Check-In and monthly or less frequently for the project status meeting with the client.

By monitoring the project on budget, time schedule and quality on a regular basis, it is easy to keep track of whether the initialized plans are being implemented financially and operationally. Monthly check-ins with the client provide good opportunities to review the originals plan for possible adjustments. They also help the project management to identify factors that may negatively impact the plan and therefor the project at an early stage. In such situations, the project organization should develop effective measures to proactively bring the project back on track. 

Share your experience with me

Since project «Nestor» is an ongoing process there are still many things that need improvement. Every feedback on the content, layout, or display of the information is useful. Questions of comprehension are also welcome or share your experience with me. Every constructive feedback helps me to make my practical master project better.


Your help and experience matters.

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